Friday 5 October 2012

Research: Andrew Goodwin's theory of Music Videos

I have looked at Andrew Goodwins theory on music videos as part of my research, and I have compared some points of his theory to the ideas I would like to use in my own project.

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
After looking at and researching different music videos of both RnB and HipHop, I have realised that in order for my video to demonstrate genre characteristics I should include a narrative that ties in with the audio of the song. Also I would like to include performance of the lyrics in the rap verse as it is a common feature in many Hip Hop songs.

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

As i have chosen a song with a very deep story to it, and I plan to illustrate the lyrics through my visual pieces. For example the opening line of the song "I can see it in your eyes, your angry..." i want to include a extreme close up of the womans eyes, looking sad and upset.

Also with the line "All the care that I'd take, all the love that we made" i want a two-shot close up of a couple holding hands, and kissing in the next. Also because this is in past tense, i want to create a flashback effect by making the image cloudy.

In the verse, there is dialouge between the couple, so i would like to include a conflict, possibly an argument, in my video.

3. There is a relationship between the music and visuals

As with most music videos the music influences the visuals. In "Shot For Me", the music is quite slow and somber and i would like my video to represent this through slower cuts timed to the drum patterns of the instrumental. As it is a sad love song i would like to express this through the pace in the song, slowly. 


4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist

I understand that having lots of close-ups of the artist is very important. This is because in order to sell the single and future records, the audience must recognise the artist, its very important for sales and perhaps even more important for image and branding. This is why, despite having a strong narrative in my video, I will allocate considerate space for my actor who will represent Drake in this video, as is demanded by the record label.

5. There is often intertextual reference

As mentioned in my textual analysis', alot of my ideas were inspired by other music videos, so there will be intertexual references to certain music videos, as certain scenes will be reminiscent of other music video's, For example, I want to include a extreme close up of eyes on the female in my video, something which was inspired by a similar shot in J.Coles "Lost Ones" music video.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a useful piece of research. Pity it is unfinished.
