Thursday 11 October 2012

Research: Textual Analysis (Jamie Foxx ft Drake - Fall For Your Type)

"Fall for your type" is a song by Jamie Foxx featuring Drake, I picked this song as it is also a mixed genre song between RnB and rap, and it also features the artist of the song i will be making a music video for. The song is about falling for the same type of girl even if they are wrong for you.

After we see the titles of the music video telling us who the artists are, the first few shots is of Jamie falling out of a building, in slow motion. This could show the viewer that he is literally "falling" in love, and that it will be the death of him.

There is then alot of close ups of him as he performs the song, with various backgrounds, and different attires, showing of his expensive lifestyle (Louis Vuitton sunglasses, Luxury apartment, Cartier watch). This helps indentify him as the artist of the song, to help promote him and his future works.

The lyrics of the song is adressed directly at the girl, this is illustrated in the shot where he is in the bed with a woman and he is singing to her rather than about her. Furthermore when he sings "The champagne you've been sipping, is not supposed to make you different" there is a shot of the champagne bottle by the bed. This reinforces the narrative of the song.

The next scene is an argument between the couple, she throws her purse and and shouts at him, whilst he shouts at her in the next shot. This scene is in slow motion to compliment the shots of him falling, as the two scenes are edited together so we cut from one scene to the other. This is to show that they are having arguments and he is "falling" for her but this is why they might not work as he will fall to his death and she might not be there to catch him.

For the next verse and chorus, the couple seem to have made up as they kiss, and affectionatly touch eachother through out, this is shown by alot of closeups of them kissing, hugging and touching.

After this we get to see Drake perform his rap verse, to reinforce him in the viewers mind as one of the Artists on this song, we see alot of close ups and during his verse we see him often. This is a technique used in music videos, which Andrew Goodwin has talked about.

There is a particular shot that interests me, where Drake is rapping in the ear of the girl, i feel this is an  interesting shot and something i would like to include in my music video.

At the end of the song, we start to see Jamie and his girlfriend argue again over the phone, and she breaks up with him, drops her phone in the glass of champagne, leaving him on his own. But then after a few other shots of Drake singing his adlibs, we see Jamie open the door and his girlfriend is standing there, we see her mouth the words "I Love You" and he lets her in the door. The last shot we see is him falling into darkness. This could symbolise that maybe he wont "hit the ground and die" if he "falls" for her, and things might be alright, but as it isnt sure it is darkness. The only thing that is certain is that he has fallen.

This video has shown me a few different shots and even given me an idea for the sort of location that i want. I liked the whole clean cut effect as the scenes were very clean, rich and the shots were high quality and everything was easy on the eye. It has also shown me the importance of establishing who the artists are in a music video, and the importance of narrative in a love song. 

1 comment:

  1. Could you post the video of this song? It helps to fully understand the genre and what is inspiring you.
