Thursday 28 February 2013

Planning: Magzine Advert Template

Here is my template for my magazine cover:


Research: What have I learnt from my textual analysis's

Music Video:

From my textual analysis' on music videos I have learnt a number of things, one of the most important is that the main aim of a music video is to sell records, because of this it is paramount to include many shots with the artist. Also in the Rap and RnB genre, it is normally expected to see shots of the artist performing the lyrics, and in love songs it usually has some sort of narrative in the video. Now that I know this I can include these things in my video as it is the conventions of my genre.

I have also taken alot of inspiration from the music videos I have watched, for example in J. Coles "Lost Ones" there was a few shots I really would like to recreate in my own video. One of which is the extreme close ups of the eyes that we see towards the start. Also the ending of the music video leaves the audience in suspense and this is something I would like to recreate with my own twist on it.


From my textual analysis' on digipaks I have learnt what they typically include. Digipaks come in all sorts of layouts and templates but usually the Artist name and Album title is included on the front along with a picture of the artist or a graphic representing the album. On the back there is usually a tracklist, institutional logo and a parental advisory sticker (though this can be on the front also). The CD design is usually very simple and there is usually a poster insert in the digipak.These are all things I would have to include in my digipak to meet the conventions.

I have taken some inspiration from the digipaks, for example I have found that simplicity is key in looking good and providing emphasis on certain parts of the album.

Magzine Advert:

In my textual Analysis' I have found there is usually a hierarchy of importance in a magazine advert, the most important info right at the top and the least important to the bottom. This is because our eyes are drawn naturally to the things on top of a page. Also things to include are, artist name and album title (if not on the album cover already), album cover, release date and institutional logos.

Other things, inspired by seeing magazine adverts, that i will include will be a URL address and a small magazine review quote. This will help improve my artists fanbase and help persuade consumers to buy the album.

Research: Magazine Advert Brief Analysis (Drake - Take Care)

Here is my magazine advert textual analysis for Drakes "Take Care" album, I have to create a advert for the same album so I wanted to analyse the real, existing advert to gain some ideas.

Research: Digipak Brief Textual Analysis (Drake - Take Care)

I chose to analyse the digipak for Drake "Take Care", this is because this is the album I will be creating another cover for so I wanted to analyse the real, existing album beforehand to get some ideas.

Planning: Digipak Template

Here is my template for my digipak:

Note that instead of an insert, there will be a folded poster.

Research: What is a Digipak?

When I had recieved my ancillary tasks, to create a magazine advert and digipak for the album I will be making a music video for, I wondered; "what exactly is a digipak?"

After a bit of research I found out, according to wiki:

"Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside."

I had found many different types of digipaks, and different ways they are folded. As I wanted to keep with my theme of simplicity in my designs, I opted for a 4 part Digipak, including a front cover, back cover, poster insert and a circular CD design, (similar to the "Cruel Summer" digipak).

Research: Magazine Advert Textual Analysis (Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3)


I chose to analyse this magazine advert because I found it a very interesting design, and would like to create something similar to it.

In this magazine advert, there is a hierarchy of information; the most important info to the top, getting less and less important as you read downwards. This is evident in size of text. There is a hierarchy because the main objective of the advert is to sell the album, and when someone is reading they see the top first and bottom last. Having the most important thing at the top ensures maximum exposure to the audience.

At the top, we see the artist name and album title, “Jay-Z – The Blueprint 3” accompanied the 3 horizontal lines logo, used to represent the number 3. This is displayed in bold black text to appeal to be eye catching.

Further below we see the centrepiece of the advert, artwork identical to the one featured on the cover of the album. This is because it creates a theme and consistency throughout the body of work. It helps consumers identify the album in stores/websites, driving up sales for the record.

Next we see the line where it states some singles included in the album, this is to help persuade people to buy the album. If they have heard the singles and liked them, then it is likely they will enjoy the rest of the album. This too will help drive sales. Directly below that we also have the release date for the album, as consumers will need to know exactly when the album will become available. Albums are usually judged by how popular they are by the first week of sales, therefore if people know when it is released they are more likely to buy it that first week, therefore improving its popularity and encouraging others to buy the album too.

Nearer to the bottom, we see in fine text the URL address for Jay-Zs website, this is to get more people to access the website and sign up an account, which will keep them updated with albums, records, concerts/tours, and merchandise. This increases the artists fanbase and keeps the fans in touch with the artist, which results in more profitability for the record label.

Finally, we see the logo for the RocNation record label that is headed by Jay-Z, this is to promote the branding and image of the label. Other artists signed to the label can benefit from this because if people like this album they may like other albums produced by other RocNation artists. Placing the logo on the magazine adverts increases public awareness of the label.

Research: Digipak Textual Analysis (GOOD Music - Cruel Summer)


I have chosen this digipak as I find it interesting and similar to what I wish to create for my own digipak.
It consists of a simple template, a front cover, a back cover, a CD with graphic and a poster insert.
The design is also simple as there is barely any text or information, in fact, the album title nor the artists names are not shown. This could be a sort of arrogant feel to it, as if they do not need to state their names or titles, everyone already knows who they are and what this is about. (Kanye West, the head of GOOD Music, is known in the public eye as a very cocky and confident man, it is part of his image and branding, and his fans like it)

The only words we can see is on the back cover where it is inscribed “IN GOOD WE TRUST”, a play on the phrase “In God We Trust.” Replacing the word GOD with their music group name, GOOD, gives the impression that they themselves are god in the music industry.

This impression is also supported by the carved white angel that is present on the front and on the CD coupled with the fact that it is a mainly white coloured design, gives the impression of a ‘heavenly’ theme.
However, in the magazine cover the white background is contrasted with the all-black outfit of all the members in the clique. This gives them a sinister aura and perhaps sets the tone for some of the darker songs and lyrics in the album.

 This is further reinforced by the parental advisory sticker on the front, though this is a required warning, it also helps contrast the “good” white with the “evil” black. To me this implies the meaning of; yes, they are “Gods” and yes, this album is “heaven”, but this doesn’t imply that the individuals themselves are good and righteous.


Tuesday 26 February 2013

Research: Regulations of a Music Video

The regulations of a Music Video are not clearly defined, as it seems that video artists have free reign on what they can include in the music video, this can be shown in a number of explicit videos where they include heavy sexual content. However as I am aiming for a mass audience to see my music video (to reinforce sales of the album and record and to get a bigger following for the artist), I want my video to be broadcast on television, and for this there is certain regulations and restrictions set by Ofcom on what I can include in my video. It is important to note this because if my video is unsuitable for broadcast then the main aim of the music video is lost.

The watershed is an issue because Ofcom will not allow music videos with profanity or sexual content before 9pm. As my song includes the use of offensive language, I will create two similar versions of my music video, an explicit to be played after 9pm and a clean version to be played before the watershed. Because of this I can maximise broadcast times, and potentially allow my music video to be played any time of day.

Other regulations restrict obvious drug use in the video especially before the watershed, this poses a problem as I had originally wanted my female actor to smoke cannabis to compliment the lyric where Drake sings "you're always getting faded", a popular slang-term for getting high. To avoid this issue I have replaced the fake cannabis joint with a ciggerette.

There are also restrictions on provocative dressing, dancing and sexual content, but that will not be included in my video so I would not have to find a way around such restrictions.

Here is a link to Ofcoms restrictions, regarding the watershed and music videos (Opens in a new window)

Planning: Skeleton

As I will be following the narrative of the song very closely I will be constructing a skeleton for the storyboard. This will be similar to the script of a movie, as I will be planning shots for different lines of the lyrics. This will help me to grasp an idea of how the video will flow, and help me plan the storyboard which I will be doing later to "flesh" the skeleton.

The main scene starts off with the girl on her own in a park, sitting on the bench, missing her ex boyfriend.

NOTE: This is only for the narrative parts of the song, i.e the shots with the male in the video will not be included in this.

 [Verse 1]
I can see it in your eyes: you’re angry (
Close up, slightly high angled shot of the girls eyes)
Regret got shit on what you’re feeling now(Over the shoulder shot of her looking at the picture of the two of them reminicing about the old times.)
Mad cause he ain’t like me
Oh you mad cause nobody ever did it like me
All the care I would take,
(Close up, slow motion shot of the couple holding hands. Flashback effect.) 
all the love that we made(Close up, slow motion shot of the couple kissing. Flashback effect. Similar to previous shot)
Now you’re trying to find somebody to replace what I gave to you
It’s a shame you didn’t keep it: Alicia, Katia
(we see a clone effect of her and her boyfriend on the other side of the bench, this based on her reminicing about how happy she was.)
I know that you gon hear this: I’m the man
Yeah I said it! Bitch I’m the man
Don’t you forget it
The way you walk, that’s me
(She walks around the park, close up of her walking.)
The way you talk, that’s me
The way you’ve got your hair up: did you forget that’s me?(
Pan up from behind, showing her hair flowing)

And the voice in your speaker right now: that’s me(Side view of him talking in her ear. This is because she is imagining his voice in her ear, explained by the next line.)
And the voice in your ear : that’s me
Can’t you see that I made it? Yeah I made it
First I made you who you are, then I made it
(Shot of her walking back to the bench.)
And you’re wasted with your ladies
Yeah I’m the reason why you always getting faded(Side view of her on the bench lighting up a ciggerette just as the beat drops into the chorus.)

Take a shot for me, ooooh
Take a shot for me, ooooh
Take a shot for me
A shot for me
A shot for me

(She starts to drink, and the shots blur in focus and shots start to get jumpy and chopped up, her ex boyfriend phones her up..)

[Verse 2]
Ok look: I’m honest
Girl I can’t lie: I miss you

You and the music were the only things that I commit to
I never cheated, for the record, back when I was with you
But you believed in everything but me girl, I don’t get you

She says I know you changed, I never see you
Cause you’re always busy doing things

(Shot of her lip-syncing this part over the phone.)

I really wish she had a different way of viewing things
I think the city that we’re from just kinda ruined things
It’s such a small place: not much to do but talk and listen

The men are jealous and the women all in competition
And now your friends telling you stories that you often misinterpret

(Flashback effect of her friend telling her stories, close up of her shocked/sad reaction.)

And taint all your images of your “Mr. Perfect”
I could tell that you been crying all night, drinking all summer
Praying for your happiness, hope that you recover
This is one I know you hated when you heard it
And it’s worse because you know that I deserve it..

They hang up on the phone. While the chorus plays for the final time we see a scene of her journey from the park to her house. Most of these shots are from her point of view and are very shaky, this is to show the audience that she is heavily intoxicated and not thinking straight. Once the chorus is finished we see a brief fade into darkness.

May your neighbours respect you
Trouble neglect you, angels protect you
And heaven accept you.. 

We see her writing a note, copying what is being said in the song. We then see her slumped against the wall, panning over to her shadow we see her raise up a gun to her temple. The screen goes black and we hear a gunshot, and the title shows; "Shot For Me".